Design SuiteAssigning IFC data to objects


Workspace: Path

IFC Data

Design Suite, Architect: AEC

Landmark: Landmark > Architectural

Spotlight: Spotlight > Architectural

When a building project is exported to an IFC file, Vectorworks plug-in objects and pre-assigned symbols are automatically assigned to IFC entities. The attached IFC data display on the Data tab of the Object Info palette, when Show IFC Data is enabled.

Object Info palette menu 

Simple hybrid or 3D geometric objects are not exported unless you attach IFC data sets to them and then enter data prior to export, using the Data tab of the Object Info palette or the IFC Data command. IFC data can also be automatically attached to objects and included or excluded from export as described in Using the Data Manager.

Assigning IFC data to an object does not alter it in any visible way. The object can still be edited with standard Vectorworks tools and commands. An example of this would be to use a floor or slab object to model a flat ceiling. Select the floor or slab in the model, and then select the IFC Data command. From the list in the Select IFC Object dialog box, select IfcCovering, the correct assignment for a ceiling. Then, in the IFC Data dialog box, select CEILING from the PredefinedType list in the Properties for the selected Data Set lists.

The IFC Zones, Systems and Groups command attaches IFC data to space zones, systems, or groups. See Assigning IFC data to zones, systems, and groups.

An object can also be "wrapped" in a container so that it is identified in the Vectorworks file as an IFC Entity object. Editing an IFC Entity is less direct than editing simple Vectorworks objects with IFC data attached. For this reason, an IFC Entity can be useful for model elements that need to be secured from casual changes.

To assign IFC data:

Select the object, group, symbol instance, or symbol definition for assignment of IFC data. More than one item can be selected at one time.

IFC data applied to symbol instances affect only the selected instances, not all instances. To attach IFC data to a symbol definition, locate the symbol definition in the Resource Manager. Right-click the symbol and select IFC Data from the context menu. This attaches the IFC data to future symbol placements, and to any current instances that do not have IFC data already attached to them. Alternatively, use the Data Manager to automatically attach IFC data to symbols as they are placed in the drawing.

Select the command.

Alternatively, from the Data tab of the Object Info palette, select the option to show IFC data, and then click Attach IFC.

The Select IFC Object dialog box opens. (If you have already assigned IFC data to the object when you select the IFC Data command, the Select IFC Object dialog box does not open; skip to step 3.)

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



IFC Version

Select the IFC version

Simple List/Full List view

Select the list view. The simple list is an adjusted view of primary IFC objects, while the full list displays all available IFC concepts.

Filter List

Depending on the type of object, an object type may be displayed already. To search for a different object type, enter text or keywords to filter the list, or leave the field blank to display the full list.

IFC object types

Lists available IFC object types; click an object type to select it

Select the object type.

The IFC Data dialog box opens.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.




Displays the selected type of IFC entity


Opens the Select IFC Object dialog box, to select a different entity type


Displays the Global Unique Identifier assigned to the entity; this ID follows the entity throughout the IFC workflow to distinguish it from other IFC objects

Create IFC Entity

Displays the object as an IFC Entity (a container object) in the Object Info palette. Deselect to retain the Vectorworks object properties in the Object Info palette (the IFC Data remains attached).

IFC Version

Select the IFC version; this may affect the list of displayed property sets

Data Sets for this object

Displays the data sets associated with the IFC object; select how to use each IFC Pset by clicking in the Use column.

No icon: Data fields are empty, containing no IFC data or data mapping

check_mark_icon.png: Some or all of the data fields contain IFC data or data mapping

not_icon.png: Does not export to IFC, as defined by its data mapping

Click an item to display its properties.

Properties for the selected Data Set

Displays the available properties and values for the selected Pset, and the source of the values. The data source can have no value, be assigned by instance, or be assigned by style.

No icon: No value has been assigned to the property.

 (by instance): The property value comes from the value set in this IFC Data dialog box, and String/Enum/Number value for selected property becomes available for entering a value.

ByStyle_icon.png (by style): The property value comes from custom mapping as described in Using the Data Manager.

Click in the Source column to toggle the source of the property value. A property that has not been custom mapped toggles between no value and by instance value. A property that has been custom mapped toggles between by instance and by style.

String value for selected property/Enum value for selected property/Number value for selected property

When the selected property’s data value is set by instance, specifies a string, list of choices, or value for the selected Pset property; when the selected property's data value is set by style, displays the result of the formula displayed in Data Source

Data Source

Displays the mapped value formula for the selected property's data value

Select IFC Instance

For some Pset properties with complex values, an IFC Instance is specified. Select from the list of instances, or click New to open the IFC Instance Edit dialog box. Specify the values of the complex properties. (To delete an IFC instance, select it from the list and click Delete.)

The geometry of IFC entities can be edited with the Modify > Edit IFC Entity command; alternatively, right-click on the IFC entity and select Edit from the context menu.

Assigning IFC data to zones, systems, and groups

Using the Data Manager

Viewing and editing IFC data

Concept: IFC overview

Using custom IFC property sets

Exporting IFC projects


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